Monday, October 21, 2019

Social media

Social media Throughout the world, more and more people are using the Internet and have registered accounts on social networks, for example Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Social network is an incredibly powerful tool. At the click of mouse, one can get entertainment, information, news or data about almost anything in the world. Besides that, we can connect to anyone in the world via social networks across the world instantly. The distance of thousands of miles does not matter. This is amazing. It is very useful especially for parents with children studying abroad as they can save the cost of long distance calls. However, we are facing some issues when using social media.From my experience, the most common issue that people might face when using social media is privacy issue. People may get all sorts of confidential information from us via the social networks. They can track information about us and perhaps use the information to cheat us.English: CrazyFriendz is the free onli ne social ne...Many of the struggles and strengths faced by young people as digital natives are caused by a lack of awareness, communication and sometimes a lack of outside influences such as parents or caregivers.Undoubtedly the Internet has vast positive benefits and influences in widening the knowledge of young people, as it keeps young people who are computer literate informed with everything in their lives and the lives of others by the simple click of the mouse. The Internet and social networking opens young people up to a world of information at their fingertips faster and easier than ever before; with access to the likes of online libraries and databases increasing education (Morimoto, Friedland, 2011). Studies show that the primary use of the internet is communication, as increasingly young people are using the internet and particularly social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with people...

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